Simple henna pattern for the back of the hand.

Simple henna pattern for the back of the hand.

I bet you have heard of or been with some people who just rock up to the tattoo parlor, look through the tattoo designs in the books and all the pictures of tattoos on the walls, pick something that looks cool and jump right into the chair to get what should be meaningful tattoo designs inked into their skin. They either want to go the extremely cheap option and choose simple tattoos, (more common tattoo designs are generally less expensive and take less time) or they have just been out on a heavy night on the Britney Spears - (Beers) and just stumbled into the parlor, only to wake up in the morning wondering why they have a Superman tattoo pic on their butt.

Here is a quick & easy henna tattoo.
This simple design takes about 5 minutes to apply.
Notice the movement of the pattern from wrist to outer finger. This style flatters the hand and enhances the ring.

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