
Showing posts from July, 2005

Test results for Jamila henna powder

So, you need to know about tattoo after care because you are ready to get a new tattoo! I recently received a sample of Jamila henna powder, and as I am always interested to see the difference in color and quality of different hennas, I am tested it. I am very pleased with the results and want to share them with you. The photos above are of the powder itself, and the resulting paste. I was very happy to notice that the powder had that great fresh henna smell , and a good greenish color. Further, the powder was very, very finely sifted. I did not have to do any additonal sifting - which is a big plus! After mixing with with some lemon juice & tea tree oil, I got an excellent paste. The paste was very smooth, offering a consistancy similar to that of toothpaste! As well, the paste was naturally cohesive.. and I knew that I would be able to acheive very fine lines. I am publishing a photo of the paste on the skin for your review. It may be important to note that the model wa

Henna Tattoo for the Back

It may be your first time, or it may be your tenth time, but in every case, you should review your tattoo after care instructions prior to getting your new tattoo. You might wonder about the logic about looking at the instructions before getting your new tattoo, but it is like baking a cake, you just don't want to make any mistakes with these instructions because new tattoos are open wounds and susceptible to infection. Henna Tattoo for the Back For this tattoo, the client chose an Arabic style design. She wanted the tattoo on her back, and while a small shoulder piece would have been a good choice.. I think the larger design is far more striking. The henna tattoo appears black because this is a photo of the design with the paste still on the skin. I hope to see this client again to get a photo of the finished color. (Photos of the finished color are much harder to come by!)